While doing a Qigong exercise, I became aware that I often dream of flying. And in my dreams, I’m still afraid of heights, so I never fly too high. So what if in my previous life I was a little bird? A bird who looked into a window and met and fell in love with a little girl. And while observing the hardships and cruelty inflicted on that little girl, I had a conscious thought (as a bird) and wished that I could take the place of the little girl to spare her the pain. Then that conscious awareness elevated my bird soul and upon reincarnating, I became that little girl – and here I am!
My Dad
In retrospect, I believe my father knew about the power of forgiveness. As if forgiving others and himself gave him a license to enjoy his life to the fullest. For my dad, was the epitome of “dancing as if no one was watching.” He would don on a Speedo and dance on the picnic table at the neighborhood outing while everyone cheered him on. With the limited resources that my father had in all areas of his life, my father was a happy, joyful man who loved to bring out the best in all of us. And I believe that would not have been possible into his 87 years of life without his knowledge and practice of forgiveness. One of the best lessons that I learned by merely observing my dad.
Spice Rack
In my home, I along with my husband have spent countless hours, if not years, being interrupted or momentarily putting things and people on hold to go stir the pot. Being in the moment — mixing, stirring, and savoring with all my five senses, all of those juicy, aromatic ingredients in order to produce something scrumptiously delicious. And once that goulash is served, it's fully satiating, but keeps me going back for more.
My proverbial Stirring the Pot resonates with bringing together the many ideations and intuitions of mankind to serve up a bigger than life pot of ingenuity, innovation, happiness and joy. It's nourishment for the brain and soul to induce the production of the next batch of ingredients that will be stirred into the pot.
This issue is dedicated to some of my love ones whose creativity is one of the many spices on the rack.